Monday, July 1, 2013

American Teacher

The review of American Teacher summarizes the plot of the documentary that follows five teachers from across the country in order to prove to viewers that teachers, in no way, have easy, good-paying jobs. This film focuses on the idea that teacher quality is of utmost importance, unlike other documentary films that highlight the role of unions and the retaining value of good teachers, as well as the need for more. It is important to remember that there are great pressures related to a teacher's dedication and the financial realities they face living on a teacher's salary. The film focuses a great deal of attention on the hardships that teacher's must go through on a daily basis including the long hours and energy, both emotional and physical. There is a true emphasis on a teacher's persistence and commitment to their students. The less than subtle message of the film screams out for attention reminding viewers that the occupation of teacher is economically unfulfilling, yet so important and relative to the future of our country.

Does anyone have a specific teacher in mind when reading this summary? Who and Why?
What do you think about teachers' wages vs their importance? Are they equal?