Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Teach : "Tested" (episode 2)

Tony Danza was a true character this week. I laughed and nearly cried along with him as I felt the sincerity of his words and actions. He is quickly becoming a better teacher for most of his students and just realizing the diversity of needs amongst his class. I think his naivety in the beginning was what led the faculty to be so weary of him, but I can see that as he grows and learns as a teacher from his co-workers and students, they begin to respect him more. His view on learning disabilities was certainly an interesting one where equated the students going to the resource center for extra help and time with being lazy. Finally, after a seminar and several discussions pertaining to students with learning disabilities, Tony started to see the reality of the situation and was more apt to allow those students the extra help and time they needed, but not just because it was the law, but because it was the right thing to do and was necessary. I was most definitely intrigued by the first quiz and sat on the edge of my seat as he graded. The result, being poor, was expected and I only wish I could have seen the questions he asked that truly stumped the class. If i were able to see the questions than I could have determined for myself how fair the quiz was in terms of wording of the questions and objectivity. Danza is taking extra time out of his day to attend to each individual students' needs and although it would be fabulous if every teacher could do that, it would never happen. These students do not know how good they have it that a teacher at their school has only 26 kids from one class to worry about and can truly give them the extra attention they need and that I feel should always be available. The sad truth is that our public schools are overcrowded with too many students and not enough teachers, which makes the individualized attention that Danza give his class seem unrealistic and superficial. I question his motives regarding whether he is truly aiming at a goal to help students through teaching or just prove to himself that he can do anything.

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